
Chinese Granite has become even cheaper, or about why the miser pays twice

Chinese Granite has become even cheaper, or about why the miser pays twice Navel of the Earth's center of the world median country - that is translated from the Chinese name of the most populous country in the world inhabited by representatives of one of the most ancient civilizations, the country's rich culture and history, filled with a succession of great events, the country's greatest philosophers, Confucius and Lao-Tzu, a brilliant mathematician Zu Chunchzhi, the inventors of paper, matches, gunpowder, the compass, a parachute, porcelain and other basic things, which for four thousand years of existence of the Chinese civilization have become part of everyday life and become an integral part of everyday life. China is home to many great discoveries of bygone days, and at the present day, the world's largest industrial and economic center.

East - a delicate matter "East - a delicate matter!", Used to say, the well-known character in the film directed by the Soviet Red Army, Vladimir Motyl Sukhov. Since the beginning of the third millennium BC is saying not only has not lost its relevance, but also acquired a greater significance, especially in relations with suppliers of the Celestial Empire. Great people, great nation - they can do anything for them, nothing is impossible. The Chinese never say "It's too hard," "That's impossible!" Or "It's too time consuming" or "It is not possible for such a low price!", They usually ask: "For the price you want is to buy."

Living in constant competition taught the Chinese manufacturers to meet the needs of any customer. Whether it is a large stone processing plant, or a small workshop in the back of the blade granite quarry, it is not important. All they are trying to keep the buyer to negotiate with him for any price, which he only willing to pay, but only after they have formed a product of the contract price. Unfortunately, very often a good discount, so easily provided by the buyer, leading to what the final product in such a nice price is not so pleasant to look at and do not meet the expectations of the customer.

For example, the European manufacturers produce high quality concrete product, sell it at a price formed to have a system of discounts for dealers and loyal customers. So normally, regardless of the discount, you get a consistently high quality products.

In the case of the Chinese producers the situation is diametrically opposite. Lower prices may be subject to objective factors, for example a change in prices for raw materials, market, or a large amount of your order, or the real interest of the producer in his performance. Maybe the manufacturer is concerned that you go to his rival, and would prefer to minimize the risk of losing you as a buyer, just to give you the lowest possible price. Accordingly, the product will be of a different quality, lower, as you will have to mourn after the joy of low prices has dissipated like smoke.

Chinese manufacturers of products made of natural stone can produce very high quality and cheaper than the Europeans, however, trying to save, you'll never be able to determine in advance what will you reduce the requested price. Despite the fact that the Chinese are good traders, and often overstate the price for "white" buyer in the formation of prices and demand for discounts to be extremely careful.

Chinese manufacturers of products made ??of natural stone Chinese manufacturers are trying all means to satisfy the customer, meet the proposed price and still make money on this, which is especially important for the Chinese, because in spite of the rapid development of Chinese economy, living standards and incomes of the middle strata of the population of China is still quite low.

Important aspects of building trust and effective commodity-money relations with Chinese suppliers discussed in detail in the article « Suppliers Chinese granite ».

Chinese mosaic of marble