>Гранит Летнереченский полированный

Granite Letnerechenskij (Republic of Karelia)

Granite Letnerechenskij (Republic of Karelia)    

Granite Letnerechenskij (Republic of Karelia)

The granite field Letnerechensky is in the Republic of Karelia on border with Murmansk region. Granite Letnerechensky possesses uneven striate drawing of gray-pink color.

Granite Letnerechensky is characterized by the high hardness and volume weight thanks to the raised content of quartz. It is used for production of steps, a stone blocks, borders, plates of a paving and other materials for interior works and road construction.

to Watch photos of products from granite Letnerechensky Letnerechenskoesky (granite). In view of the low cost of initial raw materials of a product from granite Letnerechensky are offered at very favorable prices.

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