Company Petromramor sent gifts the veterans of the Great Patriotic War may 9
May 9, 2015 marks the 70th anniversary of the Victory in the great Patriotic War. We all owe a lot to the characters, their feats of heroism on the fronts and selfless work in the rear saved the world from the brown plague of fascism. Unfortunately, less and less remains among us. Nevertheless, it is important to Express our gratitude and full support.
This is especially true for those veterans who do not receive decent support from their state. Therefore, the company "Petromramor" with the public movement "save Donbass" and caring citizens of St. Petersburg gathered and sent targeted gifts for veterans, invalids and participants of hostilities in the great Patriotic War, living on the territory of Luhansk oblast in Krasnodon, Molodogvardeysk, Sukhodolsk and other cities and towns of Krasnodon district. In the address of each parcel contains a set of food products, honey, sweets, soap, toothpaste, Souvenirs for the 70th anniversary of the Victory, Winning a copy of the edition of the newspaper "Pravda", ribbon. For every veteran purchased medicines according to the list of needs. With the help of concerned citizens and social services Krasnodon district each parcel will be awarded to the veteran by hand before this Holy for all of us holiday.
Company Petromramor sent gifts the veterans of the Great Patriotic War may 9
Gifts to veterans on Victory day
Medications from the company "Petromramor" for veterans