>Месторождения гранита

Marble limestone

Petrographic view of the stone: Limestone.

Description: Limestone is a mountain sedimentary rock of medium hardness, which means that it was formed as a result of the destruction of igneous rocks or from the products of vital activity of plants and animal organisms. However, under the influence of pressure and deep high temperatures of the Earth, it undergoes significant changes. And as a consequence of these metamorphic processes, limestones turn into marbles. The transitional form from limestone to marble in petrographic and mineralogical literature is called "marble limestone", the commercial name of this type of stone is "marble".

Mineralogical composition: calcite - 100%.

Impurities: quartz, silicon, phosphate, dolomite, glauconite, iron hydroxides, sand and clay particles

Volume and method of extraction: diamond-rope. The yield of commodity blocks is about 1,000 m3 per month.

Correspondence of physicomechanical properties of marble limestone GOST 9479-2011

Средняя плотность, кг/м326002870
Предел прочности при сжатии породы в сухом состоянии, Мпа (кг,см3)50 (500)74,16 (756,2)
Предел прочности при сжатии породы в насыщенном водой состоянии, Мпа (кг,см3)50 (500)73,01 (744,5)
Предел прочности при сжатии породы при водонасыщении %, не более301,55
Предел прочности на изгиб в сухом состоянии, МПаНе нормируется15
МорозостойкостьНе нормируется100 циклов (марка F100)
Водопоглощение, % не более0,750,25
Истираемость, г/см20,50,45
Солестойкость, % не более10,4
Кислотостойкость, % не более10,37

Features of appearance: Marbled limestone has a fine-grained structure. Colors: beige and gray-beige. Some minor deviations from the main color are possible, the surface is covered with light gray veins, brown and milky-cream inclusions, which create a bulk effect. The fine-grained structure of marbled limestone provides increased strength, excellent frost resistance, low water absorption, low thermal conductivity.

Scope: Marble limestone can be used to produce a wide range of natural stone products for construction, decoration and interior decoration. First of all, for products with high requirements to the decorative properties of the stone: balusters and balustrades, stairs and risers, table tops and window sills, pedestals and monuments, facing plates for walls, floors, fireplaces; shelves, tables, benches, columns, vases and so on.

Technological features: Limestone is easily processed and lends itself to mirror polishing.