High physical properties a granite, hardness and stability to external influences and temperature drops do this natural stone by one of the best materials for manufacturing of ladders and steps. From a granite ladders and steps forever allow to create durability of products.
more often ladders from a granite are created as an external interior of buildings that is besides connected with its physical durability characteristics. The thermo-processed granite gets a rough surface that allows to exclude sliding on granite ladders. The damp thermo-processed granite looks on especial and has received the name - "wet asphalt".
Experts of company PetroMramor will make under your order of a step and a ladder of the necessary size, color shades and an exclusive style, strict rectilinear or bent - radial. The polished surface of a natural stone gives a special kind ladder to interiors and creates an individual image of all interior. Granite ladders of light shades give
Luxury kind, and black and especial red granite give a kind of monumentalism to a granite ladder. Order steps and ladders in the company PetroMramor. ATTENTION! If it is necessary for you quickly and it is free to calculate steps or dimensional from a stone, fill the short form
the forward ordering.
The prices for separate kinds granite steps (Chinese gray G3) are presented in section stone Sales.
Some examples of our products:
Ladder granite, a deposit of Vozrozhdenie
Ladder granite, from granite Giallo Ornamental, Brazil
Ladder and plates of a paving from a granite of a deposit of Vozrozhdenuie
Ready granite steps in width of 350 mm, a deposit of Vozrozhdenie