>Участок раскроя, с обработкой на станках ЧПУ. Производство

The cutting area, with processing on CNC machines. Manufacture

If the front surface of the product is sawn, then the blanks from the section of the main cut go directly to the cutting section. At the cutting site (edging, secondary sawing), the final products are cut out of blanks – strips and slabs.

This is one of the most important stages of the production of stone products. It is to the accuracy of cutting stone products that increased requirements are imposed. If for most products the accuracy in thickness of GOST requirements is set to + /- 3 mm, then an error of no more than 1 millimeter is required for edging, and a deviation from a right angle is no more than 1 mm per meter of length. Bridge disk machines from leading Italian manufacturers are used for cutting.

The use of machines with a diverse set of functions, ranging from the simplest to 5-coordinate CNC machines, allows you to solve a wide range of tasks. Simple straight-line cutting is carried out by all types of machines. For cutting thin slabs (10-30 millimeters), smaller diameter discs are used and the machines are additionally equipped with pneumatic suction cups and other devices for laying and removing and laying slabs on the desktop. Thin slabs when lifting over the edges in a flat state can break under their own weight and various technical means are used to avoid this. Discs with a diameter of up to 1600 mm are used for edging thick slabs.

In addition to straight–line cutting, CNC machines perform curved cuts, make profiles, using a lathe to rotate the workpiece, they produce rotation bodies, including those with a complex profile - balusters, pillars, columns, columns with flutes and others. When changing the working tool from a disk to a finger cutter, the CNC machine is able to perform artistic stone carving, cut bas-reliefs, coats of arms, inscriptions, patterns, and perform complex 3-dimensional details.

Section of the main cut (manufacture)