>Полировка слебов габбро-диабаза на производстве ПетроМрамор во Всеволожске. Габбро-диабаз месторождения Премьера.

Polishing slabs a gabbro-diabase on manufacture of PetroMramor in Vsevolozhsk. The Gabbro-diabase of a deposit of the Premiere.

Polishing slabs a gabbro-diabase on manufacture of PetroMramor in Vsevolozhsk. The Gabbro-diabase of a deposit of the Premiere.  =>Following
Polishing slabs a gabbro-diabase on manufacture of PetroMramor in Vsevolozhsk. The Gabbro-diabase of a deposit of the Premiere.

The Following sample photo galleries: Dismantling of a comb of the granite block after cutting.