Buy blocks of red, pink and yellow granite Zheltau ( Zheltau , Zhiltau , Dzhiltau ) and gray granite vysokodekorativnogo Jalgyz ( Kapal Arasan ) and Curtin dark brown granite can now St. Petersburg costs career.
We invite to cooperation kamneobrabotchikov and other interested parties!
Zheltau granite massif , located in the district of Zhambyl Moyinkum area was opened in the middle of the last century , and is currently under active development.
Favorable conditions of occurrence of rock , low fracture array , and the large number of rock outcrops on the surface resulted in high performance granite quarries of Kazakhstan.
To date, the leading developer granite quarries on the territory of Kazakhstan LLP Kazgranit Corporation , which is a strategic partner of the Company to promote PetroMramor facing stone fields in Kazakhstan in the Russian Federation .
The success of the Corporation Kazgranit in Kazakhstan and international market granite blocks became professional management in the mining and marketing of natural stone , as well as the use of modern technologies for the extraction of granite blocks . Quarries Kazgranita apply only sparing methods for separating granite monolith and cutting with a diamond saw blades with a diameter of up to 3.5 meters and buroklinovyh installations.
Application of the method of separating the monolith explosive array of fields Kazgranita completely forbidden .
Production is on a plot of 2 - Zheltau Kazgranit in 2013 amounted to more than 3000 cubic meters per month of commodity blocks I and II category according to the classification in accordance with GOST 9479-2011 , the rate of output of commodity blocks of rock is 80%. To date, the economic and technological indicators Kazgranit Corporation are among the highest in the industry facing stone blocks extraction in Russia, Ukraine and Kazakhstan.