>Шлифованный гранит Каменногорский

Granite Kamennogorsk polished, from Russia

Granite Kamennogorsk polished, from Russia    

Granite Kamennogorsk polished, from Russia

Granite deposits Kamennogorsk traditionally applied in St. Petersburg for the exterior of buildings and structures, as well as for interior construction of residential and public buildings . Kamennogorsk granite deposit is in the Leningrad region.

Granite has a uniform pattern of fine-grained structure of gray. Polished granite Kamennogorsk is highly decorative , has excellent physical and technical characteristics , strength characteristics and is best suited for the manufacture of tiles and paving slabs , paving materials , steps polished , heat-treated and buchardirovannoy textures , brushed.

Granite products Kamennogorsk produced at the plant PetroMramor stone-working and always available in stock in the principal standard sizes at discounted prices.

Следующий образец Granite Carmen Red Karelia Red, from Finland