About company
PetroMramor News
Diplomas and thanks of the company
Warehouse slabs and pavers
PetroMramor at the exhibition Stone Industry-2018
PetroMramor video & YouTube
Articles, catalogs
Granite Against Coronavirus
Interpretations of a natural stone
Processing a stone natural
Bring a stone from China
Chinese Granite has become even less
Company Petromramor sent gifts the veterans of the Great Patriotic War may 9
Granite on the planet Earth
Warehouse slabs and pavers
The use of natural stone in the road construction and improvement of St. Petersburg
Balustrades made of stone
Shokshinsky quartzite
Porphyry in architecture
Matera is a city of limestone
White stone
Photograph of stone Sales
Photocatalogue Chopped granite pavers
The photo gallery "Granite paving"
Photo catalog of Rock and chipped products from granite
The monument to Grand Duke Mikhail Nikolayevich
Opening of the monument to Grand Duke Mikhail Nikolayevich
Petromramor on the professional exhibition "EXPOSTONE"
International exhibition "INDUSTRY of the STONE" 2017
Petromramor at the technical seminar on stone processing
Milan Furniture Salon in Moscow using natural stone
Russia, 199034, St. Petersburg, Line 14th V.O., house 7, letter A, BC "Preobrazhensky"
Driving directions
(812) 322-09-40
(812) 322-34-40
9:00 - 18:00
Site search
The state standard for the natural stone products from 2015
Standard Specifications 9479-2011 of Blocks rocks
Standard Specifications 23342-2012 of Natural stone
Plates facing Standard Specifications 9480-2012
Products construction and road (SS 32018-2012)
Скачать ГОСТ 23342-2012 на изделия
Скачать ГОСТ 9480-2012 на плиту
Скачать ГОСТ 32018-2012 на мощение
Скачать ГОСТ 9479-2011 на блоки
Месторождения гранита
Granite fields
Ala-Noskua (granite)
Vozrozhdenie (granite)
Baltic (granosienite)
Elizovsky (granosienite)
Kamennogorsk (granite)
Ladoga (granite)
Gabbro-diabase deposit
Mansurovsky (granite)
Tokimemo mountain (granite)
Kashin Gora (granite)
Pomegranate amphibolite
Balmoral Red (granite)
Baltic Brown (granite)
Baltic Green (granite)
Deposit Eagle Red (granite)
Carmen Red, granite
Curu Gray (granite)
Forest Green (granite)
Limestone (marbled)
Zhalgyz (granite)
Zheltau red (granite)
Deposit Zheltau 2 yellow granite
Kurtinsky (granite)
Surtas (granite)
Separate samples from a stone
Kapustinsky (granite)
Kurdajsky (granite)
Kapal-Arasan (granite)
Letnerechenskoesky (granite)
Rock Hibinit
Tile granite, a special offer
Изделия из камня
Production granite & marble
Products from limestone
Pillars and columns made of granite
Fountains, natural stone
Balustrades made of stone
Balustrade, balusters, railings
Small architectural forms
Memorials & monuments
Mosaic panels from marble
Art carving on a stone
Table-tops: granite
Table-tops from marble
Window sills
Window sills from marble
Steps and ladders from a granite
Steps and ladders
Fireplaces of marble and granite. Manufacturer.
Granite paving plates
Sawn granite paving stone production and sale
Chopped granite pavers
Tactile slabs of granite
Bowl of rainwater, trays
Stones (border)
Massive ( whole) stone steps
Facing tile
Wild stone and slab "rock"
Plates for ventilated facades vis-a
Granite blanks
Granite slabs domestic
Slab marble and granite
Sale granite blocks
Granite approximately, substandard slabs of granite
Facing by granite and marble
Delivery to Russia
Free shipping of products from granite to Russia
Продажа блоков
Sale granite blocks
The price list on blocks of 2017
Blocks of yellow, red, gray, pink and brown granite from the wholesale warehouse
The price of granite blocks
Stones prices
Stone prices
Stone sales
Delivery to Russia
Free shipping of products from granite to Russia
The prices for columns, fountains and other
Prices for fireplaces, mosaics and marble reliefs
Price massive granite steps
Prices of blanks for granite monuments
Prices on granite and marble window sills, low tides
Prices for granite worktops and marble
Pictures on stairs, steps, balusters and balustrades of marble and granite
The price of finished balusters and products for balustrades
Pictures of paving slabs and landscaping
The prices on sawn-chipped granite paving stone
Prices chopped granite paving stone
The prices of modular granite tiles
Prices for finished granite steps and stairs
The price of the domestic slabs and strips
The price of imported slabs from granite and marble in St. Petersburg
The price of blocks of granite Zheltau, Jalgyz and Mansurov
Prices on granite about and substandard
Купить блоки желтого гранита Жельтау-2
New photogallery
Следующий образец
New photogallery